
What is Telehealth Counseling?

Telehealth Counseling is the use of video and audio technologies to support long-distance services between providers and their clients. It is also referred to as e-therapy, online counseling, internet therapy, or tele-med/ tele-mental health counseling.

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Convenience:  Online therapy can take less time away from your family, your workday or worries about traffic. No need to travel miles to meet up with your therapist. If you have access to a phone, tablet, or computer, the session can happen wherever you are comfortable.

Easy & Comfortable:  In this age of technology and social media, many are comfortable with communicating online. More people are using email, webinars and text messaging to communicate, and it can seem more comfortable or easier than talking to someone in person, especially when revealing personal or private information.

Cost Effective:  With recent events, the mental health field has had a massive conversion to primarily offering telehealth support instead of in-person visits. Most insurances have granted this provision for their subscribers to help everyone stay safe and get the support that is needed?

Who is eligible for telehealth services?

This service may be offered to children, teens, adults, couples and families. All of our clinicians hold licenses in Texas so this services is only available for residents in the State of Texas.

What system is used to meet online and is it safe?

Our practice uses a HIPAA compliant, user friendly system that is connected to our secure patient portal and practice management application that is a secure system. Sessions are never recorded and can only accessed with a specified link.

When should I seek traditional mental health treatment rather than internet therapy?

1. If you are having thoughts of harming yourself (e.g. suicidal thoughts) or harming someone else (e.g. violent thoughts toward others) or psychotic symptoms. Please call 911 or 1-800-SUICIDE, which is the National Suicide Hotline.
2. If you are in an abusive or violent relationship.
3. If you have been seriously depressed.
4. If you have serious substance abuse dependence.
5. If you are a minor (under 18 years old).

Which therapists offer Telehealth Counseling Support?

All of our therapists can provide telehealth counseling support. To learn more about our providers click here.

The FFC Center was founded in 2011 in Frisco TX, with a focus of providing quality counseling support to children, teens, adults, and families. We offer concierge counseling services, clinics, and exclusive membership resources and classes that encourage our clients to Recover Strong, Live Fully, and Thrive Unleashed.

Shahidrah Cowgill – who has written posts on Fundamental Foundations Counseling Center.